Sunday, May 10, 2009

Are there tent cities in your area?

Tent cities are popping up around the country and you have to ask one simple question...has it really come to this?

In a news conference on March 5, 2009, President Obama was asked this question regarding tent cities...

1 in 50 children are now homeless in America? Could this be possible? While statistics are always thrown around in the media, the fact that ONE child is homeless and living on the street is ONE too many.

The mission of our nonprofit has never rang so true: To empower American families facing economic crisis to forge a new future through cooperative partnerships. Our pilot program in San Diego is currently identifying working families with kids that are facing foreclosure in order to help them find a home in the next 6-12 months.

While this endeavor is a tall order in light of the sheer magnitude of the problem, we owe it to our most valuable resource, our kids, to change this reality and make a difference in our communities. If you are interested in finding out more or would like to help our cause by providing ideas, volunteering, or financial support, follow me on twitter and facebook. We are in the process of launching a national awareness campaign and we will be posting all the details in the next two weeks.

America needs a new spirit, a new type of pioneer. The pioneers that settled our country were independent people that were interdependent of each other for their communities to grow and prosper. In order for our communities to recover and grow, we must help those working families with kids that have been hit the hardest by these economic times to forge a new future. Because only United can We Prosper!

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